Your Lemon Water Wake Up Call

A road to recovery is about ONE simple change at a time. It is overwhelming and unsustainable to make all the changes all at once.

One of the easiest first next steps you could do to help your overall health is to wake up and pour yourself a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon. It sounds so silly but it can do amazing things for your body. It is like a nice warm wake up call to your body. 

During our sleep our body is busy restoring and regenerating itself. Our liver is working to process and flush toxins from our body. By drinking lemon water when we first wake up it helps to let your body know it is go-time. 

Why not try it? Before you have your coffee and breakfast, pour a glass of water. It can be warm or cold and squeeze in some lemon. If it is your first time starting the habit, start slow and use just a small wedge and build up to a full half a lemon in the morning. You won't regret it.

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